
Day 4

Day 4-Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

To be honest, I've always had a hard time with the term "best friend".  I mean, yeah, I have two friends that I've titled my besties...but at the same time I have really strong connections with lots of other friends.  I usually just refer to those friends as my favorite friends, mostly because I don't want them to feel left out.  Pretty sure they'd be fine either way, but just work with me here people.

I had the same problem when I was a kid and had to pick a different stuffed animal to sleep with every night, along with the my usual hippo and rabbit blankie combo.
Stuffed animals have feelings too, you know.

Back to the point, I have lots of friends.  I love all my friends.  I'm pretty sure all my friends love me.  Either that or my parents have been paying them REAL good to play nice...
So this says photograph, as in singular.  And for once I'm gonna play by the rules.  Mostly because there are waaay too many pictures I could put up here and...well...I kinda need to eat some lunch and take a nap...sorry.  But not really.

Jen, Whit, and Torr.  On Whit's wedding day.  Love this picture.  Love these girls.
Don't love my awkward necklace placement and gapping cardi.  Oh well.

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