
Whaddaya mean its only Tuesday?!

Oh man, sorry for my absence.  This has been the weirdest week of my life, and its only Tuesday.  Its probably just weird because for today's lab we were assigned a case study.  This case study is usually given to students in their first year of pharmacology school.
A.  I'm not currently going to pharmacology school
B.  I don't ever plan on going to pharmacology school
C.  So why in the hey did we have to do this horrendous case study?

Guys, it was bad.  As in some of the words on it were:
Mydriasis (which is the clinical term for pupil dilation...I think I'll use that one)

I stayed up until 1:00 a.m. working on it, went to lab at 7:45 a.m., spent the next two hours slaving away over it with my lab partner, took a break while she went to class, met back up at 11:15 to work on it again, and then finally took it in to my teacher at 12:15 and spent another 25 minutes going over it.  And then, after about an 8 minute walk home, I had exactly 4 minutes to get something for lunch and head to work.  Yeah, I'm real glad I'm done with that case study.

Speaking of which, I just remembered I'm supposed to be typing my lab up and emailing it to my teacher.

Is it Friday yet?

Also on top of that, I found out that one of my new co-workers took it upon herself to tell my boss how much I hate my job.  
Which is false
(mostly...but lets be honest, who really loves retail?)
And caused my boss to go into a panic attack  
Which was actually a little funny
And pretty nice to hear her say how much she likes me
I just don't understand why this co-worker felt the need to cause drama.  Yuck.

But on a brighter note, I ran at a 7.5 on the treadster for half a mile today.  That may sound slow to some people, but holy heifer is that fast for me!  And can I just say, WOW are my hammies and calfers on FIRE!  Here's to long and slow tomorrow.

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