
Movin' on up

I've officially moved my blog over to the new one.
Also, I feel like a straight up lazy kid for taking a month to do that.
Oh well, whatev, its all good.
So please ignore anything that is here and head straight over to
Like now.


The one about Jersey Shore

By some strange and (hopefully) random occurence, my apartment seems to only get a couple local channels, MTV, VH1, and whatever channel it is that only plays Jersey Shore and anything related to the Kardashians.  24/7.  People, this is both painful and life ruining.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of stupid humor...and, well, stupidity in general.  But Jersey Shore is just above and beyond any reasonable amount of stupidity that a person should be subjected to.
Rewind really quick to last March...or maybe it was July?  Either way, I was at home and my mom and I were flipping through the channels.  We got to the MTV region and saw that Jersey Shore was on.
I said, "You know, I've always been a bit curious about this show.  So many people love it...its gotta be entertaining, right?"
Mom said, "Hey, lets check it out!"
And then we both just stared.  Dumbfounded.  For about 10 minutes.  And then we shook our heads to help break us out of our stupor and changed the channel.  I think we might have made some comment about that being the dumbest thing we've ever seen, but I honestly can't remember.  I was clearly suffering from PTSD...Post Traumatic Shore Disorder in this case.
Ok, now fast forward to present time.  My roommates and their friends watch Jersey Shore.
All.  The.  Time.
And the worst part is, they enjoy it!
I compiled a list today of things I'd rather do than watch Jersey Shore:
1.  Be kicked by a goat.  Repeatedly.
2.  Be barfed on.  By any human or animal.
3.  Go to work naked.
4.  Eat a skunk.
5.  Light my nose hairs on fire.
6.  Shave Danny DeVito's back.
7.  Brush my teeth with sandpaper.
8.  Rinse my contacts with rubbing alcohol.
9.  Hug a porcupine.
10.  Drink rotten milk.  Chunky, rotten milk.
11.  Scoop my eyeballs out with a plastic spoon.
12.  Lock myself in a room with a rabid bat.
13.  Let someone acupuncture me with toothpicks.
14.  Build a bonfire out of all my shoes.
15.  Give up ice cream.
16.  Sleep on a bed made out of barbed wire.
17.  Use poison ivy for toilet paper.
18.  Attempt to pick a buffalo's nose.



Thoughts while running

This morning, while cruising along on my new favorite three-mile loop, I was hit with the most brilliant of all brilliant ideas:
I should rename my blog Torrie's Stories!
Genius, right?
I originally really liked the whole "Torr's Favorite Things".  I promise, I did.  But then I just kept forgetting to do Favorite Things Fridays.  And I just kept thinking what's the point in having that name if I don't even talk about things that are my absolute most favorite.  Ever.
But then I was hit with the same dilemma I had when I first started blogging.  No matter what, whenever I try to be creative I'm never as creative as when I just let creativity happen.  Got that?  Basically, if I try to force creativity it always just feels, well, forced.  So I decided to just let my idea come to me instead of frantically searching for it.
And boy did it ever.
So give me some time (we all know how much I love procrastination) but sometime in the near future I will be switching the name and address over to the new one.  I promise I'll give plenty of warning in advance and try to make this trasition as easy as possible for everyone.
Ha, I'm so weird.


Good thing I always sometimes listen to my mom

My mom told me I need to keep blogging the other day.  Up until that point, I'd kind of forgotten about blogging.  Probably a little bit because I actually kindasorta have a social life now (weird, I know...I'm still getting over the shock) but mostly just because I'm forgetful.
I'll be honest, I'm not really going to do a full post now.  I just told myself I needed to do at least 3 blog entries this week and now I can drop that number down to 2.
Boom, roasted.
I win.
As usual.
But no, seriously, I actually am social-ish now and sometimes don't get home until 2 in the a.m.  And I usually have something to do both Friday AND Saturday nights.  And that something isn't me sitting at home laughing my head off as I watch youtube videos by myself...not that I've ever done that.
Don't judge. 


Sometimes I dislike things

Such as Kentucky.  That is where the sister and family moved to.  And that is why I'm now sitting on a very hard bed in a shared bedroom with an almost complete stranger.  Maybe now I should mention the fact that I also dislike roommates.  Not my roommates specifically, just roommates in general.  I also dislike having to sleep with earplugs in just so that I'm not woken up every time someone slams a bedroom door...which I forgot happens quite frequently when you live with roommates.  And while we're at it, let me just mention how much I dislike apartment meetings, dishes that never get done, an overly stuffed fridge that no one ever eats out of because apparently they only ever eat out, and finding old crusty food on the bottoms of your feet when you walk barefoot through the kitchen.
Ok, ok, life really doesn't suck that bad.  I just hate change.  And I really hate change when its forced upon you in a very short time span.  Especially the kind of change that leaves you feeling all alone.  But the thing is, I know I'm where I'm supposed to be and sister and the crew are where they're supposed to be...so its kind of ok.
Really, truly and seriously, it is.  I'm keeping myself busy with work and stuff.  I went out and played with other people in my ward both Friday and Saturday night.  I started reading book one of Harry Potter again, with plans to finish all of them before I see movie seven, part two.  And when all of those options fail me, I watch tv online.
So now that I've finally broken out of my blogging rut (aka my complete and utter lack of interest in blogging about the total ruination of my life) I'll probably start putting more time and effort into this...at least until they open up new episodes of Modern Family on hulu.   


Confessions of a swampaholic...

Hello, my name is Torrie, and I'm....
a swampaholic.
I've been watching Swamp People on the History channel for close to a month now, and I crave it more and more every day.  We just saw this last week that season one is up on Netflix, and there may or may not have been tears of joy involved.
Here's the basic plot line:
Take a bunch of red neck, born and bred in the bayou cajuns.
Give them some boats, shot guns, massively huge "fishing" hooks, and some three day old rancid meat.
And send them out into the swamplands to hunt gators.
Oh what, that wasn't convincing enough for you?
Maybe you should watch this:
Or maybe this
And if this doesn't get your heart pounding, well then you'd better get your heart checked out
Seriously people, if you're not already spending your Thursday nights watching this then I'd suggest you get started.  Soon.  As in don't even wait until Thursday, just go look it up on hulu.


Day 10

Day 10: A picture of your favorite place to eat

My favorite place to eat?  I feel as though I should know where that is...
I like plenty of places, but once you throw in that word favorite I start questioning which one I like the bestest of the best.  Man, this is tough.
After about 30 seconds of intense thinking, I'm gonna have to go with this

Mostly because I can get one of these bad boys there

That'd be the Burnin' Love burger.  By far the best jalapeno burger I have ever eaten.
And trust me, I've eaten a lot of jalapeno burgers in my life.

Some close runner ups:

With an honorable mention for

Rest in peace, my friend.
And once again, curse you Costa Vida for taking over and ruining my life.



Excuse me, are you Persian?

So there I was, awkwardly positioned behind the counter of the church library, trying my darnedest to avoid eye contact with anyone and everyone who might ask if I was headed to Sunday School.
[fyi, I wasn't.  My friend, who actually works in the library, was having boy trouble and wanted someone to talk to.  Plus, I just didn't feel like going.  I need a healthy dose of rebellion in my life every now and then.]
In the rush of teachers trying to get the best baggies of chalk and whatever other supplies they needed, I hear "Hey, are you Persian?" 
 I finally locate the questioner and very classily say,
[just picture the face that went with it.  Priceless.]
The rest of the conversation went something like this:
"Are you Persian?"
"Oh, um, no?  I don't know?  My mom was adopted so, I mean, I guess anything's possible...right?"
"Oh, yeah, I was just wondering.  You just look like one.  You know, like those darker-skinned Europeans.  I like it."
"Hunh.  Cooool."
Fifty points from Gryffindor for my complete awkwardness.
But really now, what do Persian people look like?  Do I look Persian?  Was that supposed to be a compliment?
As soon as I got home, I went straight to my faithful advisor, Sir Google.  This is what he had to show me when I asked what Persian people look like.

Jake Gyllenhaal from Prince of Persia

Kim Kardashian

And my personal favorite, Ahma-whatever

Well, I guess two out of three ain't bad...
Moral of the story kids, if you want to tell someone they're hot like Jake G or Kim K, just say that.  Because telling a person they look Persian might lead them to worrying they look like that crazy guy they always make fun of on SNL.


Day 9

Day 9: A photo of the last thing you purchased.

Has anyone else ever heard of chocolate milk being a good recovery food [um, I mean drink] after exercising?  You mean you haven't?  Maybe I'm just the only person addicted enough to actually read news articles and scientific journal articles about chocolate milk.

Seriously though, I'd choose chocolate milk over sports drinks any day.  Heck, I'd choose chocolate milk over pretty much anything any day.


A work in progress

...but I'm liking the progress I'm making.
We'll see how this goes.
Now I'm going to go take a quick nap before work.
You see, I only slept for 3 hours last night.


Stupid blog...

Oh hey, remember the other day how I mentioned I was working on downloading new fonts so that I could make my blog pretty?
Well, it didn't work.
And one of the suggestions the stupid tutorial had for if it didn't work was to switch over to a simple blog format with no modifications made to it.
Well, it still didn't work.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why my blog is now ugly.
I'll fix it again soon enough, but I just wanted to make sure and take the time to think about how I really want it to look before I start playing around with it.
Plus, I kinda feel like holding a grudge against my blog and making it stay ugly as punishment for not working with me. 


Chocolate chip cookies and rain are a good combination

A little too good, actually.  Lets just say I've filled my quota for the week.  But hey, I can't help it.  Just imagine the world's best cookie (seriously, I'm just waiting for the copyright on it to get finalized) in one hand, a cold glass of milk in the other, a scary movie on the tv, and the sound of rain drizzling outside.

On second thought, maybe it was actually the scary movie that made me eat so many...it was either a cookie or my nails.  I think I went with the better option.
Overall, I'm not sure how I feel about this rain business.  I really really really want summer and sunshine, but can I just say there's nothing quite like running in the rain?  Like, there's a little teeny tiny part of me that's keeping its fingers crossed for rain in the morning so I can run in it again.

Speaking of running, I'd like to report that I ran 9 miles this past week...10 minutes faster than I'd anticipated!  Feel free to clap now.

I do believe thats about all I have to say for today...
but mostly actually I just want to go eat another cookie.


Day 8

Day 8: A song to match your mood

Remember how I mentioned the other day that I've turned into a teenage boy?  I thought I'd gotten over that this last week.  I even woke up at 6:30 one day to go run.  Well, it came back in full force this morning.  So really, its only natural that this is the song that matches my mood today.

Bruno Mars, The Lazy Song

Ok, so obviously I don't really think everything he wants to do matches my mood.
I mean, I'd never be caught dead in a snuggie.

For the official music video, click here.  
[Warning: I didn't use this one because its a bit creepy and had one too many pelvic thrusts for my liking]
For lyrics, click here. 


Stuff I think about on Sunday evenings

I just spent about the last twenty minutes learning how to download new fonts and use them on your blog...well actually I already knew how to do that.  I was learning how to make it so everyone could actually see that font, even if they don't have it installed on their computer.  I figured I was about done, then I scrolled down...and down...and down...and about 3 weeks later found the bottom of the page.  Lets just say I'll be working on that later.

Alright, first things first.  I'm happy to report that I engaged in social activity not once, but TWICE this last week.  I know.  Activity #1 was hitting up the cheap theater with a friend, and activity #2 was a movie night.  And I successfully initiated conversations with 4 people I didn't know.  Ha, I seriously feel like THEE BIGGEST NERD right now.  But also seriously, I'm proud of myself for setting a goal and sticking to it.

And now I've forgotten everything else I had planned on mentioning because I just spent the last 8 minutes laughing at myself.  Hmmm, well guess I'll try again later.  Maybe I'll even have some new fonts to show off...maybe.   


I've got a new attitude

So lately I haven't been blogging as much.  Oh what, you noticed?  Was it really that obvious?
I also like pretending I have lots and lots of fans who get sad when I don't blog.
Try it sometime, its a good ego boost.
Lets get back to the point.  Three seperate but equally lame things happened recently:
1.  I realized I have absolutely nothing to blog about.
I've already said it, but its worth the repeat.  The mere fact that I was boring myself with the things I was writing was what tipped me off.  I do realize that I need to adjust my attitude a bit here and find the exciting things about every day life to discuss, but for the sake of this post we'll just forget about that for right now.
2.  I spent a Friday night in complete solitude and had driven myself totally crazy by about 8:00.
The craziness came from racking my brain trying to think of people I could go hang out with and then realizing most of my friends have either moved away or gotten married and started procreating.  Also the massive amount of junk food I consumed, but mostly the former.
3.  I had yet another person at church ask if I was new.
"Well hello, are you new to the ward?"
"Um, no.  I've been here for a while.  I've actually been here longer than you..."
[insert awkward silence]
"Oh, hi.  Um.  What's your name?  Cool, bye."
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a bit on the shy side at times.  I don't usually excel in the friend making arts, and have a tendency to be awkward.  I've discovered something recently though: you just have to be you, and people will decide whether or not they like it.  Earth shattering, I know.
I discovered this thanks to work, where I'm required to talk to every single person that walks through the door.  When I first started, it sucked.  Majorly.  But then I realized that all you have to do is tell a story or make a comment, and then feed off the person's reaction.  The worst that can happen is they give you a look and ignore you.  Usually, though, they laugh and we continue to converse while I help them.
I'm still not sure why its taken this long for me to realize that I can apply this same tactic in my personal life.  Seriously, it wasn't until just last night as I was talking to a friend that the light bulb clicked on for me.  Now that really was an earth-shattering moment.
So here's to me expanding my social horizons, and hopefully any readers I have will enjoy reading about my new adventures in friendship.
Now thats what I call a win/win.


Remember me?

Oh hey, hi, how's it going?
Sometimes I just forget about blogging.
I do promise I'll be better about it...
Just not tonight.


Day 7

Day 7: Your dream wedding

Ok, lets be honest.  This post is a little difficult.  You see, I was never one of those little girls who had their whole entire wedding planned by the time they were ten years old.  I never really sat around with my roommates discussing colors and centerpieces and flower arrangements.  I've gathered some ideas of things I like, don't like, and stuff I will never have at my own wedding over the years.  But its not really a complete, cohesive list.  Plus, I like so many color combinations that I'll see a new one and decide thats what I want for my wedding.  And lets be honest, your wedding colors can make or break you.
So yeah, I don't really know what my colors will be, I don't really know what kind of dress I want, and don't even get me started on decorations.  I like the idea of having a vintagey, country-ish, outdoorsy, whimsical sort of theme.  I feel as though my words aren't making any sense, so here are some pictures to help.

Love the flowers in a mason jar

The one thing I know for sure is I want cupcakes instead of/along with my cake

I'm a huge fan of the mixed pattern plate setting

Um, can you say magical?

Just love it

I'm secretly a fan of tea-length wedding dresses

Well, at least now there's a bit of a visual for what runs through my mind when I think of my dream wedding.  Overall, I just want it to feel like magic...and not the Harry Potter kind.  I just picture lots of whimsy and twinkling lights with some vintage touches here and there and a sprinkling of rustic country accents.
Oh, and lots of cupcakes.


A quick list of favorites

I've had this problem for the past few weeks.  It appears as though I've turned into a teenage boy.  Waking up in the morning is torturous [even on nights where I get 8 hours of sleep], my niece tells me multiple times throughout the day that I "smell like stink", and I'm constantly hungry.  I have a feeling the first and last problems are related to ramping up my running as I prep for my half marathon.  The stink issue?  Yeah, my niece just likes to pick on me.  Pinkie promise I shower and deodorize at least six days out of the week.  Anyways, this whole being dead tired all the time thing tends to make me forgetful.  Luckily I didn't forget to do a Favorite Things Friday post.  Unluckily, I'm too tired to think of what my favorite things were this week.  Umm...I know I'm super excited about the birthday present I got for my sister.  Also, I'm obsessed with Netflix and all the awesomeness I can watch on it.  And we had stir fry.  Seriously, that's all my brain is allowing me to remember right now.
Take pity on me.
P.S. I accept sympathy in the form of Cadbury mini eggs.  Or Reese's eggs.  Just FYI.


Day 6

Day 6:  A picture of an animal you'd like to have as a pet.

Lets be honest, folks, I kind of have a love hate relationship with animals.  I seriously, seriously love them but at the same time I hate the idea of them rolling around in dirt and who knows what else then coming in and rubbing their grubby little selves on me.  Gross, right?  Still doesn't stop me from letting my mom's dog sleep with me when I visit home.
I know someday when my kids ask for a pet I'll probably let them have something.  I'm pretty open to anything [minus certain reptiles...and ferrets] as long as they take care of it.  
But if I had to pick one animal I'd like for a pet, I'd go with...umm...well I don't really know.  I've had a wide variety of "pets" in my long 24 years of life, including

lots of kittens [most never reached cat-hood...oops]

a bunny, named Bunny Foo Foo of course


a dog for one day 

a couple of cows [don't judge, I grew up on a farm] 

and a wonky-eyed catdog
Ok, so she isn't actually a catdog.  She's just a very "special" cat, if you know what I mean.

I still really don't know what pet I'd ever decide on.  More than likely something normal, like a good-natured mutt dog or a floppy-eared rabbit.  Or who knows, maybe I'll just open an animal sanctuary and start bringing home some lions and tigers and bears...oh my.


I'm a sucker for free stuff

As I speak, I'm downloading a free episode of Shark Men on iTunes.  I've never even heard of it, but I like sharks and I like free stuf, so it only makes sense.  Right?
I decided to take a bit of a break there, in case you didn't notice.  No reasons or excuses, I just felt like it.  Blogging is weird for me, in that I like blogging and writing about the happenings of my life but at the same time I don't necessarily want people to read about my weirdness and judge me.  But at the same time I don't care.  Sigh, if only my brain were normal.
I finally took the time [and the $50] to register for Teton Dam again.  I'll have to do another 10k again for comparison's sake, but I still think half marathon is my favorite racing distance.  I decided that as of April 1st I'm only running outside, and lets just say I'm a lot happier about running now.  The thought of pounding out anything more than 3 miles on a treadmill makes me shudder worst than a shot of Nyquil.  Take it outside and its no problemo.  Well, except for the famous Rexburg wind.
I do believe I've bored even myself to tears, so I'll sign off for now.  I've decided that I don't necessarily need to blog daily, but I'm going to try to keep it a bit more consistent.  And I promise it'll be a heck of a lot more entertaining than this one...most of the time at least.  And now I'm going to go download a free episode of Human Planet. 


Fingers crossed, knock on wood

Dear Rexburg,
Its Spring.  Has been for a while now.
Remember how last Friday was a beautiful day?
And then Saturday wasn't so much?
Lets start having some days more like this.

And start trying to forget that days like this ever happened.

Sound good to you?  Because it sounds pretty amazing to me.
Thanks in advance,

Found both pics thanks to my BFF Google.  As usual.


Who made you king of anything?

I finally made my way back to Rexburg today.  And let me tell you, it was a long day.
I haven't driven home by myself in...umm...about a year and a half?
Yeah.  I got bored.  A lot.
But luckily my car likes music as much as I do and doesn't mind me singing along.
Well, at least he doesn't complain too much.
I heard this song for the first time today.  I mean, I've heard it before, but today I really actually listened to the lyrics.
And I fell in love.

Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table
While I look outside
So many things I’d say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by

You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine
And get out of here fast

I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

You sound so innocent, all full of good intent
Swear you know best
But you expect me to jump up on board with you
And ride off into your delusional sunset

I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see
You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps
You got the talking down, just not the listening

And who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy
While I just hurt and hide
Waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

Let me hold your crown, babe.


Early edition

Hey look, I'm so on top of things this week that I'm doing my FTF post a mere 9 minutes into Friday!  Please, please, keep the applause to a minimum.  I'll be honest though, its late [or early?] and I just got done doing the most ridiculous homework assignment ever.  You know the kind, where the questions are so easy that you tell yourself the answer you came up with can't be right and you go back and analyze [and re-analyze if you're me] everything until you come the the conclusion that maybe, just maybe it is as easy as it looks?  Yep, I just finished one of those and now my brain is fried!  Here's what I do remember from this week...
1.  A work meeting on Sunday that mostly involved us goofing off for two and a half hours.
2.  Making our own butter at Relief Society night...you know, where you put it in the little container and shake it for hours and hours [ok, so it was only like fifteen minutes]
3.  Being brave
4.  Actually running, after taking a couple weeks off. 
5.  Getting mail from my Mom.  And getting my new clothes.
6.  Hot tamales and chocolate milk
7.  Discovering that the weird looking apples from the sister's bountiful basket are actually delicious!
8.  Finding out that my best friend is having a girl this time!
9.  Doing laundry and actually folding 2 out of the 3 loads.  Thats a huge accomplishment for me.
10.  And my favorite thing from this week...I'm going BACK TO NEVADA tomorrow!!!
I'll tell ya about it later.  And I promise that while I'm there I'll try to take more pictures than last time...which won't be too difficult of a goal to achieve.  Ha!


Proof that mullets can be cute

For her wedding, my sister got some clip in hair extensions so that she could do fancy things with her hair.  Somehow one of them ended up on the back of my brother in law's head, mullet style.
That wasn't so cute.
But then we tried putting them on my nephews, and voila!
Cute mullets.

This kid was in heaven.  He seriously ran around the room, flipping his "hair" all around and cracking up laughing.  Maybe if my sister lets him start growing it out now, it'll be the perfect length for his first grade pictures?  Ha.


Day 5

Day 5: A photo of yourself two years ago.


Oh hey, remember how I was doing this thing?  Yeah, I forgot too.
Mostly because it asks for pictures and I'm never actually on my own computer.
But here's this one of me, from about two years ago.
The jacket I'm wearing was one of my favorite things ever.
Sadly, it mysteriously disappeared later on that same summer after a couple long weeks of cutting hay.
I'm still pretty sure the swather ate it.


Sometimes I remember things...sometimes

Hey, look guys, I'm doing a Favorite Things Fridays post!  Woooo!  Remember how its been, oh, like a month since I've done one?  Way to stay on top of things Torr.  But anyways, here we go:

1.  Actually doing a Favorite Things Fridays post...and actually doing it on Friday!
2.  Charlie is so cool like.  I seriously can't pick a favorite, but this one sure is up there.  While you're at it, check out the his Twilight video, and the Bieber Fever one too.
3.  This [direct] quote from my boss:  "Torrie, if you were to ever move home or something, I would call up the nearest store we have there and say 'Hey listen, hire Torrie because she's amazing' because, well you are.  You're the best."
4.  The fact that come Sunday, I will have had pizza for dinner three times this week.  Yikes.
5.  Getting the all clear to go home next weekend.
6.  My super cute new boat shoes.
7.  Being invited to a birthday at North Gate [supposedly its the new cool place in town...we'll see].
8.  Just Dance.  And not actually playing it, but doing it in the back ground with Stace Face while everyone else is playing.  And did you know you can look the videos up on YouTube?  I think I shall have to go practice.  Or something.
9.  Not having to wear a jacket.  And being this close to rolling down my windows on the way home from work because it was sweltering inside my car.
10.  Daylight savings.  Because even though my sleep schedule is all kinds of thrown off, its sunshiney outside until 7:00 p.m.  

And that has been my week.  In a nutshell.  So to speak.  Pretty much.  Yeah.


Loser like me

Remember how I love Glee?  What, I never told you that story?  About the time I thought, "Oh hey, there's that singing show.  Maybe I'll check it out." and then proceeded to watch 4 episodes in a row?  Soon it was in my top three for favorite shows and if I ever found myself bored I'd just re-watch whatever episodes were available online.
And maybe, just maybe, this love was intensified by my crush on Finn Hudson's cute little Canadian face and awkward dance moves.
And by maybe, I mean it was.

Fast forward to season 2.  Is it just me or did Glee kinda wig out?  They've still had some great songs and hilarious moments, but what's with all the drama?  I really think they're just trying too hard to appeal to every single person that ever existed and its just not working for them.  But they still manage to pull some genius out every now and then, kinda like this.  Because lets be honest, who doesn't feel like a loser every now and then?  


Hello, my name is Torrie

And I am way too indecisive for my own good.  I also like to panic about little things and am one of those incredibly boring people who finds something, likes it, and then refuses to ever even think about trying anything else.
I'll seriously go to Olive Garden and order spaghetti because
A) I'm too much of a sissy-lala to try anything else and
B) I've had it before and know I'll like it, so why mess with a good thing.
"What, you have all this wonderfully amazing Italian cuisine I can choose from?  Hmmm, you know what I'm gonna stick with the spaghetti...just to be safe."
Holy for ridiculous.
Anyways, back to my original story.  I've been needing to get some skinny jeans [or "Ron Skinners" as I call them in my head...he's the old sheriff in my hometown...don't ask].  And I like Old Navy jeans.  Or at least I've tried them on before and they work for me so I just say I like them and avoid having to look elsewhere for other jeans.
But Old Navy doesn't always like to have tall jeans in their stores, so I have to look online.  Old Navy also has this very happy deal where if you spend 50 bucks you get free shipping.  I can't pass that up.  So I decided to peruse the website and look for something else to fill up the rest of my little shopping basket...except then I suddenly ended up with about 12 things in there and an estimated bill of $200.
Not cool.
I finally narrowed it down to 5 things:
my jeans,
a striped shirt on clearance,
another shirt also on clearance,
one of the cutest cardigans I've ever seen,
and a flowery scarf.

Except then I still had to go back and re-read the reviews on each item a couple more times each.  And then I removed a couple things.  And then added them back.  And then I calculated and re-calculated.  And then I just decided to go for it.  So I hit the "Confirm Order" button, and instantly panicked.  Maybe I shouldn't have gotten the cardi?  Do I really need those shirts on clearance?  Since when do I wear scarves?  What if the one negative review on those jeans was right and everyone else is lying?

See what I mean?

A special thank you to Old Navy 
for stressing me out and having cute clothes.
And also for letting me borrow these pictures.


Hey Mister Grumpy Gills

Today, I pretty much was Ms. Grumpy Gills.  I still feel all worn out and sleep deprived, and to top it all off my voice recently decided to take a vacation of its own.
And I slept in way too late and didn't go run this morning which, lets be honest, always makes me grumpy.
I tried to make myself feel better by cutting out from class early and heading to the bookstore.  I bought myself a book...but I don't get to read it for a few weeks
[hopefully by then I'll be all studied up for my finals].
So that really didn't help much after all.
Then I tried to drown my sorrows in my left over candy snacks from our trip...but that just gave me a tummy ache.
So that really didn't help much after all. 
Then I sat the nephew up on the counter and fed him jelly beans while I did the dishes and we listened to Justin Bieber and my country playlist on my iPod.
That actually helped a bit.
I really hate feeling cranky.  I just know I've pushed myself to the limit of trying to find positive things to say about dull, dreary Southeast Idaho.
Luckily, this next Sunday is SPRING!  Which in Rexburg means we'll probably still see at least 2 more snow storms, but hey at least its no longer Winter.
On a completely unrelated note, am I the only person who is getting sick of hearing all about William and Kate's "Super Magical Royal Wedding Extravaganza"?  I mean, come on people.  They're just two kids getting married.  Lets not run out and buy commemorative coins, bathrobess, silverware, dinner plates, and car seat covers to "help them celebrate".


I'm baaack

Can I just say that I hate how when you're driving home [or somewhere else you really really want to be] it takes for-freaking-ever, but when you're leaving that same place those 8 hours just fly by?  Seriously.
This weekend was CRAZY, but it felt so good to be back in the Silver State with my family.  We got in not quite as late as we figured on Thursday night, spent most of Friday setting up the cultural hall for the open house the next day, and then cleaned and got everything ready for the wedding on Saturday.  I thought everything was just about fantastic!  The ceremony was short and sweet, everyone was super helpful rearranging tables and chairs for the family dinner at our house afterwards [and with clean up, yes!], and the open house [or "ice cream party" as the niece called it] was lots of fun.
Of course, I forgot my camera at my parent's house and have absolutely zero pictures of the decorations or anything.  Typical.  In my defense, I was too busy searching for my new brother in law's suit jacket that he didn't think was necessary for the rest of the festivities.  Oh well, plenty of other people took plenty of pictures so I'll just have to be a little thief and steal some from them.
And now I do believe its time for me to get to bed so I can rest up and be ready to face reality, aka school and work.  Just saying the words makes me shudder.  Nighty night, and everyone keep your fingers crossed for me while I try to convince my boss that I need another weekend vacation home sometime soon!
p.s. Anyone feel like digging through my backpack/duffle bag/tote bag and helping me find everything I need to get ready for bed?  Please?  And then doing my laundry and making my bed for me?  Awesome, thanksabillion.


Tomorrow...or actually today?

At this time tomorrow, I'll be in Nevada!  Hopefully I'll actually be at my house...but lets be honest.  A road trip with two kids under the age of three, a pregnant sister, and myself (who may as well be pregnant with the way my bladder works...or should I say doesn't work) is going to take a lot longer than usual.
But whatever, we met up at Walmart tonight after I finally left work, stocked up on lots of candy, Dr. Pepper, and everyone's favorite chocolate-covered popcorn, and come 1:00 tomorrow afternoon we're peacing out of this joint!
Speaking of, I'm supposed to be packing...and sleeping...and probably other stuff that I just made my mind forget because I'd rather not do it.
So, until we meet again (which will most likely not be until next week sometime) try to enjoy life...cuz you know I'll be more than enjoying life back in the heart of the golden west.

p.s. this is legit my hometown...well, part of it at least.  its small, but not that small.