
Blogary, part 2

So you may find yourself asking, "What the heck is a blogary?"  Well now, thats simple.  Blog + diary = blogary.  Somtimes I like to make up new words...its just a little habit of mine.  As I mentioned earlier, two of my "To Do's in 2011" are to start a blog (check) and try to journal on a more regular basis.  Then I realized I could kill two birds with one stone and voila! here we are.  Lets be honest, I have never been the best at keeping a diary/journal.  I actually remember the first diary I ever got.  Take a walk down memory lane with me to my 8th birthday.  One of the presents I was given was the previously mentioned diary.  It had a white, puffy-plastic cover with little neon green, pink, and orange flowers and a lock and key so that I could keep all my little 8-year-old secrets safe.  Unfortunately for me, I lost the key and then soon after that lost interest in writing about life in the second grade.  Over the years, I was given journal after journal and each time I would resolve to keep a better written record of my life.  I'd do alright (and by alright I mean I'd write at least a sentence at least once a week) for a month or so, and then pfffft any desire I had would drop faster than one of those fainting goats.  Long story short, I decided what I needed was accountability.  Maybe, just maybe if I knew I had readers (ahem...once again, mom) waiting to see my blog post/diary entry I'd have more motivation and actually get it done!  Maybe instead of flaking out in a month, I'll become so addicted to blogging that I'll keep doing it for the rest of my life (or some other ridiculously long amount of time).  I know, I know, I'm a genius.  So now here we are.  I'll write the words, telling tales about my life, and you'll read them.  Agreed?  Good. 

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